Could you be an award winner?
Posted on 29th November 2021 at 17:31
How do awards improve brand awareness and improve audience engagement?
Entering awards for any type of business, charity or other type of organisation can boost the profile of your brand immensely.
Any type of PR can give credibility. Other people talking about your organisation in a positive light will make people sit up and listen. If friends, family and colleagues believe in you, then it’s worth a shot isn’t it?
When it comes to awards, it can mean that your peers also believe in you and recognise the value and benefits that you offer.
Successful entries for Divine Clark PR clients
As a PR agency in Yorkshire, we’ve had lots of success recently on our clients’ behalf. For example, at the National Building and Construction Awards (NBCA), bot Iguana Developments and Alessandro Caruso Architects won their national categories for Residential Property Developer of the Year and Architectural Practice of the Year respectively.
We have also compiled winning entries for KWL in the Green Apple Awards and umpteen clients in the HullLive Business Awards.
Our team has written dozens of award entries for both clients as well as one-off (or two) jobs for non-retained clients. These include SMEs, entrepreneurs, charities and large businesses. They have all seen the positive effects on their business and we know as PRs, that the power of an award (or even a nomination) will shine a light on your brand.
Are you a worthy winner?
Generally if you can demonstrate good working practices that either help people, help the environment, make you stand out from the competition or, increase your sales, then it is highly likely we can write you a successful entry.
Is it worth employing a PR company to write your award entry?
We believe it is. Depending on the criteria, a typical award entry requires anything from 1000-3000 words. The key is to tell a story whilst at the same time applying it to the criteria as set by the judges. A formal list or account of the process might not inspire the judges who will have to sift through potentially hundreds of entries that can all be just as deserving of yours.
Therefore, the team at Divine Clark PR writes your entry in a way that grabs the judges’ attention, giving them good reasons to shortlist you.
Here’s 9 reasons why entering awards can bring your business benefits:
1. Stand head and shoulders above your competitors
There is no doubt, an award win gives you added credibility. Do your competitors have a similar accolade? If your industry has awarded you then it’s a good reason for customers/clients to put their trust in you too.
2. Sales growth
One of the benefits of winning awards is the free publicity surrounding the event. Usually the organisers of the awards will promote you as part of their own promotions. For example, the HullLive Business Awards announce the successful shortlist and after the ceremony they also include the winners in the news and share it on social media, which his usually shared by those who want to celebrate along with you.
This in turn can have a positive impact on your sales. The more people that know about the good work you’re doing, the more will want to know if you can help them too.
It’s good to know that successful businesses like to work with other successful businesses. Award credentials can also encourage other entrants to take a look.
3. Staff recognition
We are located in the same building as our client, Iguana Developments. Steve the Concierge said he felt so proud to work for Iguana and that it really makes him feel good to know that the company is doing so well.
This type of recognition can boost morale, giving focus and more importantly positive purpose - a great way to motivate your team.
Plus national awards shine a spotlight on your home town or city for all the right reasons.
4. Competitors
When you enter awards, you can be up against huge and long-established companies but in many cases, size doesn’t matter. It’s the quality of entry that counts. If you’re offering great customer service, have an innovative product or service, then you could be in with a chance.
7. Award Winning Company
You will usually able to display the awards’ logo on your website and refer to your business as award winning. Using this within marketing materials helps to create trust and build awareness amongst your target audience.
8. Networking
The awards ceremony can be a good opportunity to put your business in front of a number of influential individuals and businesses within your industry, sector or region. Therefore, standing out during the awards process brings additional benefits.
9. Perception is everything
An award demonstrates that you are at the top of your game and perceived to be doing well. This can also make you more attractive to prospective clients.
You’ve got to be in it to win it.
If you feel proud of your business, your service, your team, an individual or believe you have a good story to tell, we can write an award entry for you.
Please email us on for more information.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via
Tagged as: award entries, PR, successful award entry
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