While a company’s relationship with the public is vital for commercial success, the most important relationship to maintain is with employees, the people who ensure you operate like a well-oiled machine and want to work hard to ensure success for all. 
This is why internal communications within a business is so important. At Divine Clark PR, we offer services that go beyond bolstering your company’s public image and go straight to the heart of the workplace. 
To support your HR department, we help to engage current employees, ensuring they are happy and feel well informed in their positions. We are also able to make the onboarding process easier, so that recruitment processes run smoothly and new hires integrate into your business seamlessly. 
Ideas to keep new recruits engaged: 
Produce case study examples of individual employees success, i.e. an employee starting out in a junior position that has been promoted. This shows the candidate the potential they too could achieve. 
Create short profiles for all of the employees in the new recruit’s department with photographs so that before starting they are already familiar with people and their roles, making the first day less intimidating. 
Introduce new recruits to the team via social media. 
Organise a social activity to welcome the new hire. 
Design a standard procedure for the first day, which includes briefings with superiors that establish the new hire’s main responsibilities, the company’s ethos, priorities and success measures. 
Match new employees with a mentor, someone they can go to for help. Ideally, they might be introduced before their first day in the office. 
Set up regular check-ins to discuss the new employee’s professional and emotional progress within their role. 
Treat the hiring process as a celebration rather than an arduous task. Use a welcome sign or decorate their desk! 
Create an FAQ sheet for new employees. 
Create a glossary of company terms, buzzwords, lingo and acronyms so that new employees can keep up with others in conversation. Keep candidates up to date with company news via social media and phone call if the news is really important to the business. 
Divine Clark PR can produce a tailored handbook to include all of the above items which can be provided to the new recruits upon acceptance the role. 
If you have any issues regarding onboarding and employee engagement, we would be happy to discuss. Please email info@divineclarkpr.co.uk to arrange a meeting. 
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